Hi all
Mr Blender here to provide that much awaited update to where, how and what we are up to
After our little short jaunt back to the uk
xmas dinner was a bit late , somehow we got detained by friends company and ended up cooking for 6 but it was all a blur
Back on the 28th for me, work , work and more work
Managed to get back in the gym for two days then , ouch there goes the back again
Spent my first Hindi hogmany in the club onsite, was a really good way to celebrate the bye to 2006 and hello 2007. Service for the scotman was excelent and the people really friendly
Mrs pimms spent it in penzance with barney who has now deserted her for his new surragate mum , her twin sis
20th Jan :Visited the Grand for din dins to celebrate another year older, yum yum big prawns , no really BIG. Waiter did me a bithday cake to celebrate so we both managed a little bit of it, sooo choccy that could see the pounds going back on and gave the rest to our driver 

Spent a fortune visiting the doc about my back, a guard to show us where we had to go in Max Med hospital, consultation, 3 xrays, physio and drugs
2 hrs treatment and 1100 rps lighter, around 12 pounds for the goora
Wonder how long that would of taken back in blighty?
I guess private healthcare has its plus, he he .
Well all for now as planning has to be done for the next big visit when twin sis arrives
Mumbia/Bombay in the morning for me though, checking out bollywood for lance
Planning to get around the network but where next?
Mrs pimms and Mr Blender