Bonjour blogits
Well another day anther post
Thought I would talk about our blighty politics today as it still in the press
Well after all the weather here is still the same , sun , sun , sun
I am just surprised that more people didnt know their elected representatives were out there lining thier pockets with a system that was a little secret
Yippe for freedom of information is what I say.
Morals and a little common sense has told me on my company expence claims to never , ever claim for things that are a little bit out of the ordinary
Thats it for politics as it can be the same in business ?
Poor little Bee joined the food chain today in the garden
1 Lac of ants chased it around the grass as it was a little bit out of it
Will let you readers outside India find out what a lac is
It eventually succumbed to the mass and fed an ever growing population
Time for the man whit the lance and tank on his back Mr Blender thinks
But there again they do walk off with the cockroaches
Nature in the Seychelles
A restful day in the garden today, well it has all the sights
Even had reggie music blasting out from afar , sounded nearer than that but apparently thats a seychelles thing to play your music so everyone hears

Car cleaned by the landadies son and a cousin for some pocket money
Apparently will have a polish next weekend as the shampoo ran out and they tried to use the polish but told me it was no good at washing the car
It looks great after the car valet visit, sparkles in the sun
Ok I know its little, but out here its just the thing
Oh and its part of the contract , well apart from the petrol that is
Bit different form the one in our garage
You have to look at an earlier post for that though ?
Did think of shipping it out here but the import taxes have put a stop to it
This ones only done 5k km in 8 months
All the expats have an identical car though some are auto's and crap for the small hills/Mountain passes on the island
It looks like the italian job through the streets when we all meet up
Oh and we have red plates , goverment vehicle
We also have a 5 year Seychelles driving licence and that might come in handy for the uk
Why you might ask
Well Mr Blenders once had a Manx licence and the worst thing ever happened
He was stopped by a white car with a blue light flashing above it
Now the car at the time did have manx plates
The officers were very confused and gave him a severe telling off , ouch he says
Was very severe , near on full severity with hanging as the least he would get away with
Bit better than the £60 and 3 points for doing 37 in a 30 zone at 6am he says
Which brings up another little story
One of the guys here was caught speeding and had to go to court for the sentence
Not once , but twice
First time , lines up with all the crooks on the Island and eventually gets called behind the glass screen
Now thats is sufficently scary for anyone
The prosicuter then reads out his name , address and inside leg measurement for all the jury and the miscreants to hear
He makes his plea , Guilty and is told to come back for sentence
Mr Blender did manage to get a letter in french to him that asked him to pick his sentence
- Community service for two months
- Preparing fish for 2 months
- Two years in prison
Even had a goverment seal on the letter
Well its a laugh so we had to do it
He went back for the second court appearance and his choice was
- Two Years in prison , mm how much weight did he need to lose
- 1500 srp , about £60
The world must be the same
Bonsoir readers