Alternate quote of the day

22 Feb 2007

Thick and fast this week Feb 23rd

Hello again friends and all the readers of the blog
Please keep the comments up

Well is it more of the same as last one or do I try another ?
What do you want ?
Apart from , money to buy pimms, and blenders that is ? Perhaps a beer or two , opps Agra not Delhi, such jetsetters you meet here and drinking at lunchtime, tut tut ! Ok then its more of Delightful delhi on show
Some local in the market out shopping for whatever it is they shop for, grass, weed, ganja and any other stuff that is lying around
Our very local veggies shop from our balcony , can even shout the order down and they deliver !

Visiting a place where the great man of india is
Someone told me the ganges flow both ways , down through india and when the tide comes in ,the other way. Very much a saying for the India of today
And just so Mr Blender is not missed out, the check your weight speaking machine near India Gate , didn't know what it said, but it sounded lighter than last time so can have that curry out this weekend?
Pimms lady and Mr Blender

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Quote of the day

Quote of the Day