Well hello Blagger
Yep looks so innocent, but he didn't reckon on us
The end of the housekeeper, the shady little one
Well , well . Guess what we found him out, good and proper?
Having barred him from the site on Saturday and shown a little compassion on the same day he was allowed to contine to work away at his milk-round and looking after our Indian Friends , well she did ask nicely.
Visited the maintenance people to ask about our power being off
No Sir
Not at all Sir
Most definately not Sir.
Really good payers you ex-pats Sir
We noticed you your car had not been registered as coming in and out Sir, so guessed you were away.
Your safety is our no 1 concern Sir
Nearly had a mental relapse and had to salute back several times. Just a warning on what military life can do to you I think?
Now thats comforting to know they are not just figures and they look out for the the people around.
So another lie from our little Mr Blagger.
Next stop then is to speak to the VP of the residents association and surprise ,surprise he has done it before, many times they suspect, Bigger Mr Blagger.
Last night I gave VP a letter along with copies of our telephone bill whilst we were away and a little note from the security goes up on all notice boards , only letting everyone know just what a REALLY BIG BLAGGER he is
Barred forever
Lost all his jobs in the complex
Police advised as being an untrustworthy character
We get our place listed for all to see!!
He did say that many people would come calling at the door to complain?
Zero have to date, so perhaps they all know what he is like.
Nice chap the VP and advise nobody should cross him, we will meet again, if not before, then on new years eve for a Blenders and pimms or two at the new year party.
Brill mornings out here now , its 26 degrees , real cool and nice to eat breakfast looking out from the balcony just watching the world get on with whatever it gets on with.
We have noticed that a great deal of the time, this amounts to not a lot.
Sleep, sit up, sleep again and sit up, walk around a bit then sleep, sit up and back to sleep.
Now I have to ask, Kam are you awake and listening. Please prod him and make sure?
Just whats the secret to get so much sleep?
There again everyone with teenage kids probably asks the same question and never finds the real answer. Although slightly different in that here the people seem to also get their night sleep as its so quiet in the middle of the night
Has been interesting watching the construction of the mall opposite
Yes everyone wears hard hats on site , but have flip-flops on their feet
Not many machines around when you have hundereds of workers to lift, fetch and carry on their heads, sand, rubble, bricks, cement, well anything that can fit in or on a basket.
As an example here's an Indian Computer Salesman delivering his wares, well we did say everything gets carried
Even the task of getting stuff to the top floor involves a pulley and rope!
Well the scaffolding is pretty safe! Finest grade one bamboo that sways with the wind so you just have to catch the breeze before the next handhold.
Well till the next blog
Mrs P & Mr B
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