Well its been busy for the last few weeks with the round of visitations to India for a few old friends
Well they are older than Mr Blenders anyway, Mrs P will have to comment herself on that one
Mr Dinis ( Moonhead) and Marm ( Schoolmarm) came to see the country and the last weekend was spent in a dusty cold Delhi
Night time it reached all of 11.2 at the weekend , brrrrr.
Well after gods country its brrrrrr.
Just ask the "goat in a coat"
Saved the best till last though and went around this guys resting place
Who is he ?
Where did we go?
What made it their best day?
Well not telling yet as save that for another day
Once again it Mr B was all native and got the Indian entry fee of 10rps for a local, nearly have the challan paid off at this rate
Mr Dinis did go all native on the last day but thats at the end of the blog
Meanwhile , why did he go native you ask ?
First though it was the ride around Chandi Chowk on the rip off rickshaw, didn't even get a tip from the "gorras" !!
Much prefer the auto one as not so hard work
But on the plus side, it makes you smile
Although they did buy the "coff-----secret drink" the following day
Now this is what you get offered when the place you go to eat only has non alchoholic drinks on the menu
After all that pedaling you just need a very cold drink , really you do , or was it shopping . Well I can't remember
Some steaming cold coff----secret drink------ ok its beer, in a nice mug.
Well it was rude to refuse a second one.
Now coff---secret drink ----beer has a strange effect on people?
Some can hold it in and others can't , he he!!
So we come to the end of the blog and Mr Dinis goes native
I have had to de-identify him just so he cant be recognised by anyone
Well so long as you dont look at the previous pictures
PS: no point in enlarging this picture , so I am told
To his credit he did aim and hit an upturned crash helmet at the side of Nelson Mandela Road
It should of evaporated by lunchtime the next day? Well maybye the following day or kal as they say here
So a warning to my Indian Friends out there to never , never buy from the guy that sells them at the side of this road , no matter how cheap it is

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