Mr B is meant to be moving into a new office on the 2nd of Jan but it keeps going backwards
I guess its many excuses but the best has to be because of the monkeys!
Nope not the Pop group for you people in the sixties but the real type
Yes all go Ahhh, no Arhhh
Yep a nice two floor, nearly finished new palace , that has had a few nightly hoodlums pay a visit and its another day off schedule.
Why off schedule you ask well what else when the trashed the false ceiling
Now Mr Blenders says he does not want monkeys in Engineering, he's told his boss , well who would.He does know of a frog in another Airline though, so who knows
Meanwhile Mrs Pimms is really busy at the natural , all day scrub down spa in Gurgaon
Two weeks of pure bliss , being scrubbed and massaged by two Kerala ladies, that joined with the poison yuck to take for a fortnight and all in the pursuit of the thinner body . Well India offers so much !
Meanwhile we still visit the cruel man in the gym as and when we can , honest this keep fit stuff works says Mr B , well that and no or very little beer along with the right Indian diet .
Here's the chart that just proves it , all the slips are the visits back to the UK but we will both reach our own targets. Mr B is pretty pleased with 18.5 to 14.6 in 15 months though, trim , fit and more than ready for the many years of our adventure in life.
Mr Cruel man in the gym (Krishna) always says afterwards, do we feel good to work out and we have to agree its good, told you India offers so much!!!
What else apart from Monkeys and being fit people?
Well you have the motor show over here at the moment and Tata's goal has been launched

A car for just over a lac, whats that you ask?
A lac is 100,000 rups
Yep , thats right , well after taxes ext will be around £1250, but you can buy a television for that , can't you, or a holiday?
India is coming up as this is the car for the common people , just like the Airline we work for, generating an economy for a global leader. Just watch us grow.
Yep the Nano has been launched out here , but we have to wait a while till its in the showrooms, and on the streets
Well , what do you think?
I think there could be a market elsewhere too, but it will cost you lots more.
Meanwhile Mr B has his eyes on an Indian driving licence and a Bullet!
The roads just got even more of a stressful time for the driver. Not Mr B or Mrs P as its always ok in the back seat.
Mr B thinks it should have bullbars all, round, BIG rubber ones like dogems cars as we know what its like in the delhi traffic
Well the signs say it all

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