Word of the ex-pat is "moist" , it has been since we arrived in paradise.
Been like that ever since we landed here, but its nice now that the monsoon has arrived and its got much cooler .
29 instead of 30, a notable difference we would say?
D & C had a laugh about being moist when they visited and we continue to do so now
So thats the word for Paradise
Meanwhile, onto the conversation at lunch, which is always pretty good.
The conversation that is , not the sun dried cardboard cheese sandwich
It is helped by the low flying one toe pigeons that fly around the airport cafe
Tip number one: in Seychelles Airport outdoor cafe
Never , that is never leave your food on the table to go back and get your knife and fork
An immediate squadron of one toed pigeons will form up and proceed to do a kamakazi dive for the target feast
Mayhem occurs where the newest of the formation , with a full suite of toes normally leaves the table minus at least one
A food riot as the feast is devoured along with any toes that get in the way.
Tip Number Two - much the same as Number one
Never , that is never place that nice cake you bought on the next table and then turn your back on it to speak to your fellow workers and best mates !
They will always keep you talking whist watching the "cake busters" attack behind you.
Normally you can tell something is up, by the tune everyone starts to hum
It is also very hard for them to talk to you whilst humming as a disguise to suppressing giggles
All hell breaks loose when you have the moment where you think?
Yum, yum time for that delicious piece of home baked cake, arhhh!!!!!
Poor little one toes pigeons to call them names like that ?
One of the expats returned on Monday after a wee trip back to the windy , wet weather of blighty
Unfortunatley for him he appears to have put on a little lard and as you do, we have to ask what he's been eating.
Normal food it is
Kentuky , Macdonalds, Pizza , warm beer , Fish and chips , chinese and Indian takeaway's , drool, drool , drool after the cardboard Tuna sandwith, well its at least a bit moist.
He did say that we could have a peek at his naughty magazines to see ourselves
So we all think of whats on page three and where will the stables be in the middle spread.?Moulles and frites, Roast Lamb,never mind the butter , fresh milk and chocolate
Its the porn equal on the island , good cooking magazine that is.
Drool , drool , drool. Makes us all moist
But there again where can you sit by the beach, at night with your feet on the sand and get this whole grilled fish, frites, salad and croele sauce for under £8?
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