Alternate quote of the day

9 Jun 2009

Hello Again

Well , well thick and fast at the moment these postings

In the middle of winter here , well its cooler at night by a few degrees but it does have its problems

Bats or Flying foxes , the fruit type have moved down the mountain to join us in song at night time

The must always migrate downwards here for winter , well for a cooler bit of fruit , but they always manage to pick the ripest paw paw outside the bedroom window every night .
Thats our breakfast not thiers !!!
A very very loud screeching noise as they demolish our breakfast at around 10 O'Clock every night
They are a protected species here and a good job too as I understand.
They were once made into a delicious curry , needed two apparently but think the wings must of been a little tough , probably like some of the leaves in todays curry's on the Island
Well its only an hour till they start so time for bed


syiling peringatan malaysia said...

Hi, nice to meet your blog ...i from Malaysia, I hope u visit back my blog ... tq

Johan said...

Hello from HYolland

Unknown said...

Much fun and you can't imagine how that is happen. Well, that is definitely an adventure and is jealous.
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