June already and can't buy zuccini anywhere!
Denis , what's growing in the garden at the moment ?
Both back to the gym now and working hard at being the slim parent of the bride in Sept
Poor gym instustor has a cold , so no personal services , all on our own in the hr a day lifting, pumping and stretching. Even manage the swim at 7pm , only 20-30 lengths before dinner as little bit worn out.
Stange thing when speaking to the other people in the pool , only F block go for a swim?
Weather and nature blog this week
It has been very dry up till now and
the dust gets everywhere, bunty has to wash the floors every second day just so long as we dont get a dust storm, you can see why
The rain arrived on friday, good in that it cooled the hot, hot delhi
weather,at 44.9 it was a tad warm for Mr Blender at the Airport but still he struggled along so he says
The rain is not so good for the people in the slum , they did pump out the water by midday, but still very muddy when we went of our evening walk। Will be taking some clothes to them this winter and hope the gora stuff is ok?
Not the monsoon yet I am told so will keep you updated on that one.
Drive back to the other office was a bit of show of what was is to come।
At least its warm rain , not like scotland
Well I told you we had a little family out here ,for all the people who never knew where pigeons come from, a squatter on the balcony along with a few other animalswe have managed to capture on camera। Only one as it ate the other egg!!!
No eyes open yet , but a strong little bird when it reached that stage
The owl was sheltering from the rain in a ventilation
shaft opposite our kitchen balcony.
Hoping to catch it again in flight if it returns। Now would this happen in the UK , I think not , but prove me wrong by letting us know.
just so Mrs Pimms can get a shock each time she opens it.
I am sure he is getting much bigger and the cockroach population smaller.
A good pet to have on the sixth floor appartment
Sorry no piccies as I know you wanted to see, of cockroaches as he's eaten them, all as his fat belly tells।
Well we had to put Mr Blenders favourite on,
as seen on the streets of Delhi on her way to a wedding
The cheeky monkey joined us at the a wedding ring cereremony a few weeks back, enjoying the fireworks and helping themselves to a few garlic nan's at the same time, turned down the chilli chicken as pure veggie
And , what to avoid whilst driving as they have no road manners apart from slow down for me , let me wander very slowly across the 4 lane highway and where's the grass?
Last for this time, the little things are everywhere
What are they
Chipmunks of course , although here they are Squirrels, so we are told.
Lots of them chirping as they climb all the walls, and I mean all the walls
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