Hello Bloggers
Well I would never of thought that India would do us so good
PS: This is not Mr B or the gym instructor as I know what you are thinking
Mr B says he knows a few people like this though , perhaps you do 2
Just post who you think, as long as they never read this.
Been keeping track of this losing weight lark since we arrived last week it feels like
Well everyone has a goal to aim for after all
Start of the adventure
Mrs P = xx kgs, now a slimmer version at yykgs , how nice not to mention a figure says Mr B
Mr B = 118 kgs and just where have that 20kgs gone, some things have stayed the same though? He has to work on the six pack as only got a two pack at the moment
Well , just how do people do it
Delhi Belhi had a little play at the start , just adjusting to the different foods and water ( bottled)
Next comes the heat and humidity that adjusts our appetite
Having breakfast has helped Mr B, gets him through to his lunch of two bananas and a breakfast bar , no jordans out here, have to make do with the 250rps for eight bars of whats left on the shelf
Swimming, a few lengths of the pool , well 30 to 40 but its a small pool.
PSP, its the only golf game Mr B gets out here, well he reckons it keeps his fingers and thumbs fit !!!!
And last , the hard man in the gym, where would we be without Kristian
Now we both agree that having someone push you definately helps and our man certainly does that, he even does the strechie stuff and causes more pain whilst he does it
Dont think India has heard such screams and ohs and ahs from two gora's before as they all have a little giggle .
We do get the occasional "very strong Mary and Mr Neil" to make up for it .
Nothing compared to the weight he lifts , one day says Mr B, as his weights are increasing.
Hard man told Mrs P off today as she is not regular , missed a day , how guilty she feels!!!
Mr B wondering if the bribe was sufficient just to make her work extra hard before the trip home , he he
Mr B now on a mission, 3 kgs off in six weeks , not as easy as it sounds as only been managing 1kg every couple of weeks after reaching the magic 100
7kg to target and 14kg to the lower end of that , maybye next year but still proud of where he has got to and feels 110% better for it. You will have to try it out one day yourself
Lack of good bread for poor Mrs P helped , although we have just found out they sell it in the supermarket , Spencers in Gurgaon.
Bacon is not worth having so stopped buying it
No Beef apart from when we visit the expensive hotels when the urges get too much
We both seem to like the Indian Veggie places much better as very tasty compared with the stuff a UK person would call "Indian Meal ". Dosas , Thali , yum yum.
Now this would get the UK veggie brigade many points if they were to advertise it instead of soya yuck stuff
Still have chicken once or twice a week and to spoil ourselves, even bought it from the market butcher with doubts but we were ok afterwards , just cook it very well I say
Once a week Pizza delivery ,Hot pepper passion for Mr B and a Spring Fling for Mrs P.
No washing up for the housekeeper and Mr B takes the leftovers down for the guard , normally 4 slices and a couple of peppers left.
I think they know to expect it when Papa Johns deliver to F 603
Just keep wondering how many people just throw it in the bin?
Waste not want not out here in Delhi
Despite the trash everywhere, everything we throw out is recyled.
Housekeeper takes the bottles and papers and gets a few rps for them, food waste goes in a different bag to drop down the chute , cardboard is out with the papers.
Cockroaches clean up the kitchen, and the ghecko cleans up the cockroaches , seem to come out the sink drain, despite all we try .
Books, and we do lots of them here, are swapped, given away and borrowed in return , they are cheap here so don't bring any when you visit
Even saw a little snake tonight that thought would be useful in cleaning up the things but let it go as Mrs P might object
Well ramblings of the night over and have some bloggie stats for you all
60% of blogger readers to this site are from the UK
30% from India , all Delhi
9% from America
1% rest of Europe
Big Brother is watching you and please comment and flame as you know you want to
Mr & Mrs Pimders