Well counting down to the BIG day out.
Little Miss Pimms & Mr Paul tie a knot or two
Will be Such a good day
All this organising that has to be paid for by Mr Blenders is erroding away the bank account so donations would be greatly received.
Global warming is definately taking place in his account, its so hot
Never mind its only money

Just got to make sure the Pimms and Blenders are being served
for the one or two that will be coming along. Nice venue in Cornwall, right by the sea and we have the games on the lawn.
Well we will have to keep up with the staying fit or we will be in mortal pain when we get back out here.
Menu all sorted with plain old veggie or fish for the mains, pasties and the odd or two, glass of mead.
Quiet week and a lavish spend for lunch on Sunday at TGI Fridays.
Mr B also managed to catch a severe case of "Man Flue" as only men can catch and had to retire early most nights with drugs supplied by the local chemist.
Now there is a bonus to this drugs thing out here. Mrs Pimms asks for whatever, by its weird name and a man climbs the ladder in the chemist, to hunt out in the ice cream tubs upstairs . Once found, he lobs it expertly to the catcher below and they make the sale
Oh lets see now was that 20rps or 25rps a packet of these and the expensive ones are 300rps for 3 lots of a months supply. No Pharmacy person on site , just managers to practice their cricket throwing and catching. No wonder Indian's are good at their national sport, they use whatever they can to practice and on.
Now what would that be at home? 3 prescriptions and a few more £'s for the other stuff.
Have to move back to scotland where its free I understand

One to save for the right moment as a fine little saying.
Another low cost airline is hitting

advert , looks interesting, full service carrier, but doubt they will
be able to pick too many passengers off the competition , wonder
if its veg or non veg on the menu, bound to be a few dossa's and
a nice Thaili.
Apparently Hooch is served before you fly due to the coconuts
rolling around too much when they are discarded and
blocking the toilets.
Meanwhile low cost is really

Only takes another 3 months to get it back in a flight condition
so no threat there to the trains or the planes
They are currently trying to find the three rickshaw wallers
that ran off leaving it outside a row of shops somewhere in
Mrs Pimders and Mr Blenms, hic, hic
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