Nobody believe in black cats and walking under ladders today?
Nothing out of the usual has happened to us at least but we are sure the it will in the gym tomorrow, evil man he is who makes us work very hard
Still scorchio at a cool 91 today , temp we can manage its just the humidity at 84%
Mr B is just a puddle by the time the lift reaches the bottom floor , come to think of it so is Mrs P
Good alticle in the paper last week , a demo form a girl in her undergarments, shock and awe for the people round Delhi but it is a conservative society so understand that.
Mrs P is taking up with a bit more culture , visited a friends house and had tea and stickies and had to try the cross leg sit down on the bed , yep the bed she said. Sort of a BIG settee in an Indian house .
She only went for a shopping trip in Chandi Chowk, cycle rickshaw in the rain and two meals later. A very good experience of local culture everyone should taste
Indians are very friendly to the right ex pats out here, we are doing our bit in rtn by inviting some to see the western world , well middle england and a little of the cornish coast.
What will they think of cars only going one way and pedestrian crossings , mmm such an organised world

Ok a picture on just how popular soaps are out here during the
monsoon Please note Mr Indian is not a compulsive soap watcher , how usual is that.
That brings me onto TV , out here two film channels , BBC news , discovery, a couple of nature channels and VH1 for musac . Add, DVD's at £4 a shot and CD's ( Hindi music ) at £2 a CD, the wonderful internet with tv , myspace, youtube and radio what more could you want to be connected with the modern world.
BBC three counties has featured us a few times in the phone ins ,
Well they did ask where we did it and had to answer , in the ,computer room, living room , bedroom, bathroom, kitchen , hall, lift and in the car , listening to the radio all the time.
Well what were you thinking???
Its a small world people, and you just have to join in.

Well signing off with a funny just for you readers before our
300rps meal tomorrow , any potential hanibal's out there for item no 4 .
I dont think we fancy and not even sure if we wish to see it on the next table !!!

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