Well Mrs Pimms Big sis , twinnie sis and brother inlaw , the one into drugs ( chemist or something like that ) pay another visit to India

First stop for the lady's had to be the nail spa for the compulsory manicure, pedicure , head, feet arms, legs and back massage , phew thats a mouthfull!!
Well Mr Pimms and the chemist went elesewhere as our nails are ok
Well inside Delhi there was another old relic to visit
This time we go way back in time to 1321 , when Ghiyas-ud-din Tughlaq built his little city , well this is one of the 7 cities that make up Delhi
6.5 km walls and a citadel with a passage to another fort in the distance , even has a tomb over the road
Only took 4 years and its a pretty impressive place to visit ,no tourists , only us local Indians and a ratio of 3 guides to two of us on the tour is pretty good going
Who was this guy?
Well look it up , I had too !!! Do I have to do everything here!!! He he
Mr Blender did manage to find the "Holy Grail" at the fort by following the shining beam of light
The guides told us it was the prisons , but we thought it was more like the granaries as all interconnected with holes in the roof for ventilation
As for the grail?
It now sits in the drawing room at F603 hotel , an amazing find
The other poeple were not at the fort but just on the way from/to school and I thought you might like the piccie
What's next , well meanwhile its Holi this weekend and in true lets get in the party mood Mr Blenders joins , no, starts the activity and ends up worse off for it, well perhaps the Dhobi Fairy can work his magic on the shirt and the jeans
Who is the dhobi fairy?
Well remember when you were little and mum and dad tricked you with the tooth fairy and a sixpence( 1 pound if you are under 26 -Liz and Ian)
Here in India it happens to Mr Blenders clothes, pants and all
Finish work and strip off ( mmm I heard you say, well some of you?) . Throw your clothes in the washing bin and heh presto , the next day you find them hanging up in the wardrobe , washed and neatly pressed?
Might be the same fairy as the one who does my shoes
Mr Blenders doesn't know how the Dhobi happens when Mrs Pimms is away, but it does.
Might have something to do with getting up at 06:30 to let the housekeeper in but who knows ?
More on meanwhile and another day out
Having seen Humayans tomb in the past we paid a visit to Purana Qila, all the way to 1538.
Humayan plunged to his death in the library in this Delhi city or as the papers say today " the deceased was brought in dead"
We were told he was struck first with a candlestick by Mrs White but can't confirm this as the other guy said it was Miss Scarlet but he then he did claim to be Anthony E. Pratt, a solicitor's clerk and part-time clown from Birmingham?
Now there's a thing a Pratt invented Cluedo, well well
Well Namaste for now and happy Holi
Now where's my clean shirt ?
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