Hi Bloddieeeee hot bloggites
Yep Delhi is now in summer time weather , well when its 28 at night it has to be
Sorry the old Uk but you have to put up with it , or move !!!!
Well whats on this week ?
To start I have to say strange goings on in goa ?
Seems like a big issue out here at the moment
Well I think who would leave a 15 year old behind, asking for trouble knowing the hormones of this age
Sorry for what happened but hew parents take a grip and look after your offsping for life , yep , life
Well you did bring them into this world and they hopefully will see you out of it, but sadly in this event not so very true
Thats the best thing about being a mum and a dad , seeing then grow up and take thier own responsibility when they are ready?
Yep a question mark as to when they are ready, a tough call for any parent
Now 15 is not ready in our book
17 is ok but still you have to make the call
I have not read the Uk press but its a sin to leave them before they `can manage to stand on their own two feet , nomatter who you leave your kids with
Well thats it with that and what have we been doing this week?
Went shopping today to the local M&S mall , our corner shop
A fantastic Indian came up and said hello Neil , how are you today
Oh and Mary , looking forward to the spinning classes ?
Well , does this happen in the UK I ask ?
We joined fitness first , this was one of the trainers
Its opening on the 14 of April we are told
Just a short walk to our local shopping mall and 4 floors up
"my god" as tristian whould say
But here agian these people will push us with spinning and latin dancing to keep us in shape , no put us more in shape
What else have we seen this week
Well Indians do not like to que so the challenge is always on to let them know we are in front of you
Now shopkeepers are normarly pretty good at dealing with this but when they dont we have to but in, it gets intant result and large smiles all around when we do
Manners are a little bit differnent here in India but having a white face helps to difuse many an event ?
What about the humour you ask, wel Kam did get the jokes this week on his own e-mail, ask him
Well whre are you jokes , little bit more comments to see if you do?
Well I need you to provide that for us, any style would be nice
Reason being as we would love you input
Any jokes , any links just feel free
Otherwise it will stay as a samll family blog and I want it to sell India for all our friends and I know you want more!
Ps: Piccie is the back of Ambience , though it needs to rain to keep it green
Well Namste everyone
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