A couple of questions I am normally asked when dressed up, or is it down
Now freinds already know what is under the kilt but
How badly do you want to know?
How warm are your hands?
Me mother once told me a real lady wouldn't ask. She was right, God bless 'er.
My Scottish pride.
On a good day, lipstick.
Play your cards right and you can find out.
Tell me madam , would you go jogging without a bra? If so, where do you jog and when?
Sorry, I'm a bit shy and not much good with words. Give me your hand...
Talcum powder
A wee set of pipes.
Bagpipes, wanna give 'em a blow?
It's the smallest airport in the world.....2 hangars and a night fighter.
My shoes and socks.
String -- I had to tie it up so it didn’t hang below the kilt.
What God graced me with.
Nothing is worn, everything is in perfect working order.
'Cause that's what I did to the last guy who called it a skirt!
Here are some suggestions assuming a gentleman is being queried by another gentleman:
Same as you, only much , much bigger.
Your wife's/sister's/mother's lipstick.
Whatever next?
Well, why not
Women in trousers?
The worlds gone mad!
Throughout this blog the word "Skirt" is used as a generic term,
so it includes any garment that only has ONE LEG!(Something that skirts the body)
For instance,Kilts, Lunghi,Sarong,Kikoi,Pareo,Sulu, Galabeya's I am not intending to upset the Celts, but it keeps it simple.
This is NOT about crossdressing
Not that I have anything against a person of either Gender and have met many who were confused on both
This is simply Men who feel comfortable in "Skirts"
Ladies can wear mens Jeans, shirts, Sweaters etc,yet
I have never heard them referred to as crossdressing.funny that, eh?
Do you think that they could be trying to get in touch with their masculine side?
It seems that the constraints placed on "acceptable"male attire are a bit unfair!
I could wear an earring, nipple ring and have rings in other parts of my anatomy that just doesn't bear thinking about!
I can wear all sorts of "Bling"if you reside or come from in essex (Alen), well even if you have a 3 cousin removed on your distant aunts side, brothers third adopted son!
Any of these would be perceived as expressing my individuality, or at worst eccentricity.
Put on a skirt! Well, I do?....Am I wearing a Bra?
Guy's have been seen in Kaftans etc, flared jeans and flowery shirts.Sadly the era of the "male peacock" has gone!
All we have now is the "grey man".
In many parts of the world a loose skirt type garment is normal male attire and the reason is mainly comfort!
There are the Fijians with the Sulu, Indians with the Lunghi,The Egyptians with the Galabeya.
If you think in Anatomical terms, for men to have a centre seam is illogical, why would you want to wear something that is trying to cut you in half?
We go on about healthy eating, preventing all sorts of things like High Cholesterol, testicular cancer etc.
What about healthy clothing?
Now I wouldn't dare to claim that wearing a skirt will prevent testicular cancer, but it's a bloody good excuse!
You find lots of Guys will just wrap a towel around them after a bath or on the beach, kick off their swim stuff and "Dangle"
The feeling of comfort has to be tried to be believed.
Well its a busy week isn't it
3 in one week but them we are away this weekend on a lets see what else india can offer
Varanasi for 4 days and Mr blenders gets to work two of them while Mrs Pimms has a massage, manicure and pedicure followed by full service by the hotel pool, life is very hard , well what would you do first ?

But back onto the subject matter and the three piccies
Yes put the rude one first as knew you could not wait to see just what the true scotsman wears under the kilt, can you see the thong, the wimp?
Mr Blenders
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