But for the ultimate you have to try this one http://www.spike.com/video/pimp-my-rickshaw/2743207
Rickshaw serviRaj Kumar Kaushal's clients may not be able to afford their own chauffeur but his first class rickshaw service offers them the next best thing.
So far the Indore-based driver in India's Madhya Pradesh state has spent more than 400 US dollars on refurbishing his vehicle. His modifications have made his auto-rickshaw one of the most luxurious on India's roads.
Tech Spec for the really intrested, (Boring)
The rickshaw is an awe-inspiring mode of transport to be sure. What could possibly be more reliable and comfortable on India’s atrocious pothole-ridden roads?
The Statistics:
Engine:2 stroke, single cylinder, forced air cooled
Engine Size: 145.45cc, the .45cc makes all that difference we are told
Power:7 HP at 5000 rpm , yep noisy
Torque: 12.17 Nm at 3500 rpm
Transmission: 4 forward, 1 reverse
Brakes: Hydraulic expanding shoe
Fuel Capacity: 8 ltr inc. 1.4 reserve
Top speed: 55kmph (I've seen more, especially down hill)
Weight: 277kg

And what do people do with these in India , well apart from the everyday transport they have a twice a year race over the Indian sub-continent , never the same route though
Anyone mad enough to try then log into http://rickshawrun.theadventurists.com/
All sold out this year though so maybye 2009 ?
The Rickshaw Run is a simple if crazy concept. With very little preparation and even less luggage, 70 teams will race along the atrocious roads of the Indian subcontinent on 145cc rickshaws. In other words, for the summer 2008 you will be haring 2,500 odd miles from Kathmandu (Nepal) down to Pondicherry (just south of Chennai) on a machine similar to a lawnmower.
Although it’s a twice-yearly event, the route changes each time. Sadly, however, road conditions do not improve. And as anyone who paid attention in GCSE Geography will know, summer time is monsoon season in India. This means we’ll be racing on a machine with a spluttering top speed of 40mph (downhill with the wind behind ) in sticky torrential rain. What a splendid idea.
The aim is to finish within two weeks, although it may well take two years. There is no support nor backup vehicles and no guarantee people will make it. But it will be an adventure and one which people are hoping will raise lots of cash for two very worthy charities.
Only in India folks
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