Yep, this weekend we have been mostly doing pooja in an ancient city, older than time and very religious for all of India.
Tourists and meet the troops at the front end of the operation in Benares as they call it , it has several other names and you probably know it as Varanassi
even an ice cream seller who only sold "white people" Ice Cream.
Class advertising for the Indian people
Well who would you rather buy from goras or gaylord , your choice people. 

Meanwhile , what else is there to see in Benares
You have to take a boat on the gange , morning and night as it changes we are told
We managed the night trip , 3 -4 hrs up and down with some pooja in the middle bit and a couple of candles to float along with our names on , a nice thought that only the people that do this can have, only some of us in our world do this.
It is all very moving to see the people along the riverside , even felt very humbled to watch the funeral Gnats ceremony, a peaceful ceremony that everyone could share the moment with.
Thanks India
What else
A visit to the fort nearby to have a laugh at the moth eaten display's , such a shame as with so many treasures in the place it could be presented and add a great deal to the experience of India's past , but this is India and money and the standards are a little short of the western world .
One day, who knows?
Watch out for the buckshee rustlers , one sentence and the hand is out to get some $$$'s . Nothing from the gora's on tour as learnt our lessons many times
All in all an excellent weekend to reflect on India and ourselves
Meanwhile back in Delhi , we have those 100,000 visiters again on the balcony so the funeral pyre has to be lit tomorrow night by our maintenance men, well it is survival of the fitest and bees on the balcony are just no match for the maintenance men at night is it?
Aha the last bit of the blog
A little top ten list of some management speak
Could be good ones for Bull$*^% Bingo
1- The latest snippet of Newspeak from our rulers is Transparency.
Along with “lessons learned” (not learned, carry on as usual)
Along with “lessons learned” (not learned, carry on as usual)
2- “moving forward” (staying exactly where we are, doing what we always do)
3- “Clearly” (not proven, no need to investigate, clear as mud - perfect doublespeak)
4- “the Real Issue here” (ignore everything you hear except what I state to be the truth which is as far from the real issue as we can get)
5-“it has been shown” (it hasn’t. No study has been made nor ever will be)
6-“there is no evidence” (there is but we will never show it to you)
7-“best interests of the people” (best interests of those with vested interests, certainly not the people)
8-“we are listening” (we are monitoring dissent and revenge will be swift and brutal)
9-“Accountability” (none whatsoever, to anyone, ever)
10-“transparency” (complete smokescreen, bury the evidence)
I have to remind myself not to use any of these
Your Scotdian bloggers
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