22 Oct 2008
Hi Readers
Been a while but hopefully will get back to the nce per week for anyone that is still reading
So what have we been up to and what hav we seen to chuckle here in the seychelles
Like the roadsigns , but more of them on another post as they deserve a picture
The general store(s), got to meet Mr General as he seems to have a global chain and wonder if he knows yet
Makes intresting browsing , now have you got any AA batteries please , nope will single A do?
Have joined a little import cash and carry off the island, well over a little bridge so we have become importers of all sorts of things for our personal use
Steak, potatoes, french cheese , all the stuff that you just cant get
The beach and Mr Blenders calls the sea his aquarium , why you may ask ?
Well when you visit all you need is a few slices of any bread and off you go to get wet in the warm sea.
Loads and loads of fish come swiming to take the crumbs out your hands , at least they are little fish, as having seen some of the ones being sold at the side of the road you would not want to feed them.
What about Mrs Pimms you ask
Well , daily routine is nearly there and a little bit different from India
Not many manicures, pedicures and very little ex-pay life ---YET
Tea in bed around 06:10- well Mr Blenders gets up to do that excercise thing at that time
Get up around 7:30 for breakfast - thats very early
Back to bed to read and eat breakfast - thats the same
Up at 10ish to spend an hour beating Mr Blenders scores on the Wii Fit
Surf a little between 11-12:00 to speak on msn or skpye to family and friends
Shower- 13:00
Read on the bed with the aircon on - 13:20 till 13:22
Get up - dont know when
Siesta - god knows how long
Sunshine worship on the terrace for a little while
A tough life for an ex-pat wife all this stress and strain
Thats all folks , for now , see you next week for the exciting adventures of Mrs Pimms and Mr Blender , oh and some piccies to make you smile
Namaste from the Indians here
5 Sept 2008
Allo Allo
Yep it doea rain a little here but not as bad as blighty
Looks like similar stuff to India though as its not running away form the lawn yet
Nice big puddle outside
Well date set for the next job and we fly out in less than two weeks time, its raining there too but a little warmer
Meanwhile have a few managers tips
Managers tip number 1
A priest offered a lift to a Nun.
She got in and crossed her legs, forcing her gown to reveal a leg.
The priest nearly had an accident.
After controlling the car, he stealthily slid his hand up her leg.
The nun said, “Father, remember Psalm 129?”The priest removed his hand.
But, changing gears, he let his hand slide up her leg again.
The nun once again said, “Father, remember Psalm 129?”
The priest apologized “Sorry sister but the flesh is weak.”
Arriving at the convent, the nun went on her way.
On his arrival at the church, the priest rushed to look up Psalm 129.
It said, “Go forth and seek, further up, you will find glory.”
Moral of the story:
If you are not well informed in your job, you might miss a great opportunity.
Managers tip number 2
A sales rep, an administration clerk, and the manager are walking to lunch when they find an antique oil lamp.
They rub it and a Genie comes out.
The Genie says, “I’ll give each of you just one wish.”“Me first! Me first!” says the admin. clerk.
“I want to be in the Bahamas, driving a speedboat, without a care in the world” Poof! She’s gone.
“Me next! Me next!” says the sales rep. “I want to be in Hawaii, relaxing on the beach with my personal masseuse, an endless supply of Pina Coladas and the love of my life.” Poof! He’s gone.
“OK, you’re up,” the Genie says to the manager.
The manager says, “I want those two back in the office after lunch.”
Moral of the story: Always let your boss have the first say.
Managers tip number 3
A crow was sitting on a tree, doing nothing all day.
A rabbit asked him, “Can I also sit like you and do nothing all day long?”
The crow answered: “Sure, why not.”
So, the rabbit sat on the ground below the crow, and rested.
A fox jumped on the rabbit and ate it.
Moral of the story: To be sitting and doing nothing, you must be sitting very high up.
Managers tip number 4
A turkey was chatting with a bull.
“I would love to be able to get to the top of that tree,” sighed the turkey, but I haven’t got the energy.”
“Well, why don’t you nibble on my droppings?” replied the bull. “They’re packed with nutrients.”
The turkey pecked at a lump of dung and found that it gave him enough strength to reach the lowest branch of the tree.
The next day, after eating some more dung, he reached the second branch.
Finally after a fourth night, there he was proudly perched at the top of the tree.
Soon he was spotted by a farmer, who shot the turkey out of the tree.
Moral of the story: Bullshìt might get you to the top, but it won’t keep you there.
3 Sept 2008
19 Aug 2008
Hello from the uk
25 Jul 2008
11 May 2008

27 Apr 2008
Worlds apart
Well Mrs Pimms is back in Blighty while Mr B manages to see Jakarta once again
Busy working though , none of this slacking for him
Aparently there is none for Mrs P and she has ruined her nails , well the ones on her hands at any rate . Well it is spring and the house in the UK needs a little tender care
Aha Jakarta
Where in the world is that , well on the way to the other side of the world for our readers
Lots of good cheap shops , nice beer and warm but humid climate
Oh and Bali is only two hrs away by plane , so maybye the next time a trip to the beach is called for
Driving is a little more civilised than Delhi, not much more
The roads are a lot busier though , takes ages to go anywhere so think yourslelf lucky in India
Namaste from Indonesia
15 Apr 2008
Update on the new old world

Meanwhile back in Delhi , we have those 100,000 visiters again on the balcony so the funeral pyre has to be lit tomorrow night by our maintenance men, well it is survival of the fitest and bees on the balcony are just no match for the maintenance men at night is it?
Along with “lessons learned” (not learned, carry on as usual)
2- “moving forward” (staying exactly where we are, doing what we always do)
3- “Clearly” (not proven, no need to investigate, clear as mud - perfect doublespeak)
4- “the Real Issue here” (ignore everything you hear except what I state to be the truth which is as far from the real issue as we can get)
6-“there is no evidence” (there is but we will never show it to you)
10 Apr 2008
Ah true scotsmen
A couple of questions I am normally asked when dressed up, or is it down
Now freinds already know what is under the kilt but
How badly do you want to know?
How warm are your hands?
Me mother once told me a real lady wouldn't ask. She was right, God bless 'er.
My Scottish pride.
On a good day, lipstick.
Play your cards right and you can find out.
Tell me madam , would you go jogging without a bra? If so, where do you jog and when?
Sorry, I'm a bit shy and not much good with words. Give me your hand...
Talcum powder
A wee set of pipes.
Bagpipes, wanna give 'em a blow?
It's the smallest airport in the world.....2 hangars and a night fighter.
My shoes and socks.
String -- I had to tie it up so it didn’t hang below the kilt.
What God graced me with.
Nothing is worn, everything is in perfect working order.
'Cause that's what I did to the last guy who called it a skirt!
Here are some suggestions assuming a gentleman is being queried by another gentleman:
Same as you, only much , much bigger.
Your wife's/sister's/mother's lipstick.
Whatever next?
Well, why not
Women in trousers?
The worlds gone mad!
Throughout this blog the word "Skirt" is used as a generic term,
so it includes any garment that only has ONE LEG!(Something that skirts the body)
For instance,Kilts, Lunghi,Sarong,Kikoi,Pareo,Sulu, Galabeya's I am not intending to upset the Celts, but it keeps it simple.
This is NOT about crossdressing
Not that I have anything against a person of either Gender and have met many who were confused on both
This is simply Men who feel comfortable in "Skirts"
Ladies can wear mens Jeans, shirts, Sweaters etc,yet
I have never heard them referred to as crossdressing.funny that, eh?
Do you think that they could be trying to get in touch with their masculine side?
It seems that the constraints placed on "acceptable"male attire are a bit unfair!
I could wear an earring, nipple ring and have rings in other parts of my anatomy that just doesn't bear thinking about!
I can wear all sorts of "Bling"if you reside or come from in essex (Alen), well even if you have a 3 cousin removed on your distant aunts side, brothers third adopted son!
Any of these would be perceived as expressing my individuality, or at worst eccentricity.
Put on a skirt! Well, I do?....Am I wearing a Bra?
Guy's have been seen in Kaftans etc, flared jeans and flowery shirts.Sadly the era of the "male peacock" has gone!
All we have now is the "grey man".
In many parts of the world a loose skirt type garment is normal male attire and the reason is mainly comfort!
There are the Fijians with the Sulu, Indians with the Lunghi,The Egyptians with the Galabeya.
If you think in Anatomical terms, for men to have a centre seam is illogical, why would you want to wear something that is trying to cut you in half?
We go on about healthy eating, preventing all sorts of things like High Cholesterol, testicular cancer etc.
What about healthy clothing?
Now I wouldn't dare to claim that wearing a skirt will prevent testicular cancer, but it's a bloody good excuse!
You find lots of Guys will just wrap a towel around them after a bath or on the beach, kick off their swim stuff and "Dangle"
The feeling of comfort has to be tried to be believed.

7 Apr 2008
Hiya bloggits
5 Apr 2008
Computer say no
Mrs Pimms big Sis , twinny sis , big bro and twinny the drugs shop owner , ok and janet paid a visit
A Little bit of Britain , or as we all laughed at " Little Britain was next
Fans of Little Britain will love this
What's a lac you ask , well click on the picture and start counting
2 Apr 2008
Pimp My Rickshaw
But for the ultimate you have to try this one http://www.spike.com/video/pimp-my-rickshaw/2743207
Rickshaw serviRaj Kumar Kaushal's clients may not be able to afford their own chauffeur but his first class rickshaw service offers them the next best thing.
So far the Indore-based driver in India's Madhya Pradesh state has spent more than 400 US dollars on refurbishing his vehicle. His modifications have made his auto-rickshaw one of the most luxurious on India's roads.
Tech Spec for the really intrested, (Boring)
The rickshaw is an awe-inspiring mode of transport to be sure. What could possibly be more reliable and comfortable on India’s atrocious pothole-ridden roads?
The Statistics:
Engine:2 stroke, single cylinder, forced air cooled
Engine Size: 145.45cc, the .45cc makes all that difference we are told
Power:7 HP at 5000 rpm , yep noisy
Torque: 12.17 Nm at 3500 rpm
Transmission: 4 forward, 1 reverse
Brakes: Hydraulic expanding shoe
Fuel Capacity: 8 ltr inc. 1.4 reserve
Top speed: 55kmph (I've seen more, especially down hill)
Weight: 277kg

And what do people do with these in India , well apart from the everyday transport they have a twice a year race over the Indian sub-continent , never the same route though
Anyone mad enough to try then log into http://rickshawrun.theadventurists.com/
All sold out this year though so maybye 2009 ?
The Rickshaw Run is a simple if crazy concept. With very little preparation and even less luggage, 70 teams will race along the atrocious roads of the Indian subcontinent on 145cc rickshaws. In other words, for the summer 2008 you will be haring 2,500 odd miles from Kathmandu (Nepal) down to Pondicherry (just south of Chennai) on a machine similar to a lawnmower.
Although it’s a twice-yearly event, the route changes each time. Sadly, however, road conditions do not improve. And as anyone who paid attention in GCSE Geography will know, summer time is monsoon season in India. This means we’ll be racing on a machine with a spluttering top speed of 40mph (downhill with the wind behind ) in sticky torrential rain. What a splendid idea.
The aim is to finish within two weeks, although it may well take two years. There is no support nor backup vehicles and no guarantee people will make it. But it will be an adventure and one which people are hoping will raise lots of cash for two very worthy charities.
Only in India folks
22 Mar 2008
16 things I have learnt in life
1. Never, under any circumstances, take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night.
2. If you had to identify, in one word, the reason why the human race has not achieved, and never will achieve, its full potential, that word would be "."
3. There is a very fine line between "hobby" and "mental illness."
4.People who want to share their religious views with you almost never want you to share yours with them.
5. You should not confuse your career with your life.
6. Nobody cares if you can’t dance well. Just get up and dance.
7. Never lick a steak knife.
8. The most destructive force in the universe is gossip.
9. You will never find anybody who can give you a clear and compelling reason why we observe daylight savings time.
10. You should never say anything to a woman that even remotely suggests that you think she’s pregnant unless you can see an actual baby emerging from her at that moment.
11. There comes a time when you should stop expecting other people to make a big deal about your birthday. That time is age 21.
12. The one thing that unites all human beings, regardless of age, gender, religion, economic status or ethnic background, is that, deep down inside, we ALL believe that we are above average drivers.
13. A person, who is nice to you, but rude to a waiter, is not a nice person.
14. Your friends love you anyway.
15. Never be afraid to try something new. Remember that a lone amateur built the Ark. A large group of professionals built the Titanic.
16. I will let you add yours in a comment
Sunday papers
Well this one is about a section in the sunday papers
A whole insert is dedicated to it and raises a little smile for the attempts to get a partner
Online Marriage Ads - Enjoy
Who knows one of these might be your one!!!!
( Honest person but getting desperate )
Hello To Viewvers My Name is Shobin , I am single i dont have Famale, Ifany one whant to marrie to me u can visite to my home. I am not a goodeducation but i working all field in bangalroe.. if u like me u welcome tomy heart... when ever u whant to meet pls viset my resident or send uletter.. Thanks yours Regards Shobin
( Cleaner , cook and washer wanted )
I want very simple girl. from brahmin educated family from orissa state heis also know about RAMAYAN, GEETA BHAGABATA, and other homework
( A family guy)
She should be good looking and should have a service. She Shoulsd have onebrother and one sister. She should be educated.
(Fancies himself)
I am a happy-go-lucky kind of person. Enjoys every moments of life. I loveto make friendship. Becauese friendship is a first step of love. I amlooking for my dreamgirl who will love me more than i. Because i lovemyself a lot. If u think that is u then why to late come on ........ holdmy hand forever !!!
(Problem solver)
I am simple boy.I have lot ofproblemin mylife because ofmylucknow iamlooking onegirlshe caremeandloveme lot lot lot
( Mmm, no jeans outside )
I want a girl with no drinks if she wants she can wear jeans in house butwhile steping out of house she should give recpect to our cast
( Lough so much he forgot no 3 )
(Not got a clue what this one is all about )
Whatever she may be but she should feel that she is going to be someonebride and she must think of the future life if she is toolike this shewould bde called the lady of the lamp
( Ok, )
I love my patner i marriage the patner ok i search my patner and i love thepatner ok thik hai the patner has a graduate ok
( Complity rules ko)
I iam pradip my family histoy my two brother two sister and fater&mothersister complity marred
(desperately seeking someone , pleeeeaaaasssseeee)
My name is farhan and i am unmarried. pleaes you marrige me pleaes pleaespleaes pleaes pleaes pleaes pleaes
(Gi for it girls)
I want one girl who love me or my mother. she love me heartly or she haveafrank she's skin colour 'normal'not a black or not a whitey. IThink themain think is heart if your heart is beautiful then you are beautiful. butiam not a handsome person or not a good looking. but my Mom say that Iam agood person. My father already expired . iam ''AEKLAUTA''. THE CHOICE ISYOUR. bye bye.
( Seeking nins)
( Contraditions)
Hello i am a good charactarised man. i want to run my life happily.idivorced my first wife.her charactor is not good'. i expect the good mindedand clean habits girl who may be in the same caste or other caste accepted...
( Two minds about that one)
My colour is black,but my heart is white.i like social service
( Ok have you got that )
To be married on jan-2005. working woman perferable
Ssc failed three times and worked with privated ltd company which notpaying salary at present.
A bit more humour to finish
A teacher asks her class, "If there are 5 birds sitting on a fence and you shoot one of them, how many will be left?"
She calls on little Billy.
He replies, "None, they will all fly away with the first gunshot."
The teacher replies, "The correct answer is 4, but I like your thinking."
Then little Billy says, "I have a question for you. "
"There are 3 women sitting on a bench having ice cream:
One is delicately licking the sides of the triple scoop of ice cream.
The second is gobbling down the top and sucking the cone.
The third is biting off the top of the ice cream.
Which one is married?"
The teacher, blushing a great deal, replies, "Well, I suppose the one that's gobbled down the top and sucked the cone."
To which Little Billy replied, "The correct answer is 'the one with the wedding ring on, ' but I like your thinking."
20 Mar 2008
Visitations and Holi
Well Mrs Pimms Big sis , twinnie sis and brother inlaw , the one into drugs ( chemist or something like that ) pay another visit to India

First stop for the lady's had to be the nail spa for the compulsory manicure, pedicure , head, feet arms, legs and back massage , phew thats a mouthfull!!
Well Mr Pimms and the chemist went elesewhere as our nails are ok
Well inside Delhi there was another old relic to visit
This time we go way back in time to 1321 , when Ghiyas-ud-din Tughlaq built his little city , well this is one of the 7 cities that make up Delhi
6.5 km walls and a citadel with a passage to another fort in the distance , even has a tomb over the road
Only took 4 years and its a pretty impressive place to visit ,no tourists , only us local Indians and a ratio of 3 guides to two of us on the tour is pretty good going
Who was this guy?
Well look it up , I had too !!! Do I have to do everything here!!! He he
Mr Blender did manage to find the "Holy Grail" at the fort by following the shining beam of light
The guides told us it was the prisons , but we thought it was more like the granaries as all interconnected with holes in the roof for ventilation
What's next , well meanwhile its Holi this weekend and in true lets get in the party mood Mr Blenders joins , no, starts the activity and ends up worse off for it, well perhaps the Dhobi Fairy can work his magic on the shirt and the jeans
9 Mar 2008
Well it is sunday

1 Mar 2008
phew !!

14 Feb 2008
Scorchio , well better than it has been
Well another update on what we are up to , no piccies as back online on new computer
Weather has turned for the better and Mr Blenders Chillies are shooting up, well he was getting withdrawal symptoms not growing anything last year .
Have two types , hot and really hot on the scoville scale
Just wait till these go into the rajma , a special one to take to work for everyone to sample
Will be very Indian
Meanwhile Mrs Pimms has taken to rugmaking , just to keep busy in the day
Sounds like the type of this for serious therapy , perhaps it is, well that is when she is not too busy with the gym, nailspa, shopping in M&S, tea and tiffin around the network, life is very tough for some people.
Vinod our new housekeeper is cooking some excellent saturday night dishes , chillie chicken this weekend, and poor us just sit until dinner is served , eat and sit again, as not allowed to do anything , he says its his job. Just look what we will miss in years to come
We even have a new Guard on our appartment block, 100% for the coming to attention detail he gave us the other night after dancing the night away at a scotish get together. Life makes you smile at the simplest things.
And last another top ten
1-Circle the stain in permanent pen, so that when you remove the garment from the washing machine you can easily locate the area of the stain And check that it has gone.
2-Don't waste money buying expensive binoculars. Simply stand next to the object you wish to view.
3-Always poo at work. Not only will you save money on toilet paper, but you'll also be getting paid for it.
4-Weight watchers. Avoid that devilish temptation to nibble at a chocolate bar in the cupboard or fridge by not buying the king thing in the first place, you fat barsteward
5-Recreate the fun of a visit to a public swimming pool in your home by filling the bath with cold water, adding two bottles of bleach, then urinating into it, before jumping in.
6-Anorexics. When your knees become fatter than your legs, start eating cake again.
7-An empty aluminium cigar tube filled with angry wasps makes an inexpensive vibrator.
8-Olympic athletes. Disguise the fact that you've taken steroids by running a bit slower.
9-Smokers. Save on matches and lighters, by simply lighting your next fag from the butt of your last one.
9 again -Vegetarians coming to dinner? Simply serve them a nice bit of steak or veal. Since they're always going on about how tofu, Quorn, meat substitute etc 'tastes exactly like the real thing', they won't know the difference.
9 and a quarter -Invited by vegetarians for dinner? Point out that since you'd no doubt be made aware of their special dietary requirements, tell them about yours, and ask for a nice steak.
9 and a little bit -High blood pressure sufferers. Simply cut yourself and bleed for a while, thus reducing the pressure in your veins.
9 ish -Heavy smokers. Don't throw away those filters from the end of your cigarettes. Save them up and within a few years you'll have enough to insulate your roof.
Yep 9 again -Corsa drivers. Attach a lighted sparkler to the roof of your car before starting a long journey. You drive the things like dodgems anyway, so It may as well look like one.
Nearly 10 -A mouse trap placed on top on of your alarm clock will prevent you from rolling over and going back to sleep.
Very Nearly 10 -Fool next door into thinking you have more stairs than them by banging your feet twice on each stair.
10-.6At supermarket checkouts a Toblerone box makes a handy 'Next customer Please' sign for dyslexic shoppers.
10-0.5- Girls. Don't worry about a nice dress for that important first date. All he's interested in is seeing you naked.
10 at last- Putting just the right amount of gin in your goldfish bowl makes the fishes' eyes bulge and cause them to swim in an amusing manner.
31 Jan 2008
Well a visit to a very modern metropolis , just to eat the Chillie Crab and drink Tiger Beer
And a little bit of shopping thrown in
Bumped into a couple of friends away on their travels around the globe
Who let them away from the close all the way to Singapore.
Was really nice to see A&J for the few days in the far east
To start we managed to find this handy road
Mrs Pimms and Mrs A caught sight of the right place to shop for all those essential items
Didn't do them in the right size, so went off to do the sightseeing bit instead
Aha Singapore , lots of places to shop and eat and the roads are not too busy
Got back to India on the wednesday and straight into the meeting for our big night out on saturday, hence slow to upload the blogie thingy
Delhi Cali society annual Burns night Jig with about 70 kilted scotsmen out for a night
Only had just over 200 at this Black tie and kilted night in the Hyatt and the reply to the laddies was the best laugh we have heard for ages , have my doubts on was this a lassie or a laddie
And I thought you only say this in Boogie Street in Singapore
Have to be a Navy man to understand that
Both Mr & Mrs P suffered with aches and pains as were never it seems off the dancefloor
We must be getting better at this scottish dancing as remembered lots more
Meanwhile, we visited the Aussie High Commision and was reminded of the 2008 wall calendar I meant to share with everyone , mmm strange people around ?

To finish though a learn from your mistakes picture

24 Jan 2008
As you are reading this we will be in yet another country
Again for Mr B and a first for Mrs P
Singapore for a long weekend, meeting up with friends for some drunk prawns, yum yum
A weekend of chillie crabs and lots of fish as learnt our lesson of do not eat fish in Delhi, unless you wish to loose lots of weight that is. The things people do!
Meanwhile back in Delhi
The new road has opened now cutting journey time down for lots of commuters between Gurgaon and Delhi, well that stretch anyway , all this raod building just moves the traffic along to another place to wait. Progress?
Lane driving is not a thing thats common here in India and it is normal to see people on the inside lane turning right and people on the outside taking the next left, driving skills take on a force India team skillset so we think this is the team to watch out for in the future for F1 racing ?
What seems very strange is that they built a very long 4 lane highway but it does not have many places for people to cross, now that gets very interesting when Mr B drives at the weekends
All these people running to cross the road, playing paper , stone or scissors .
Have even seen a cow , well its allowed out here, missed the camels on the way to the parade today though .
Well short and to the point but have to go to sleep as up early for the flight to seafood and indulge for the weekend.
Raffles and singapore slings are calling
Next breaking news is they are about to bring out a tax on all animals , yep you have to pay 500rps for your pooch now , oh and 1000 for the bullock that pulls the cart along
Again the voice of progress is at work
18 Jan 2008
Monkey see , monkey do
Mr B is meant to be moving into a new office on the 2nd of Jan but it keeps going backwards
I guess its many excuses but the best has to be because of the monkeys!
Nope not the Pop group for you people in the sixties but the real type
Yes all go Ahhh, no Arhhh
Yep a nice two floor, nearly finished new palace , that has had a few nightly hoodlums pay a visit and its another day off schedule.
Why off schedule you ask well what else when the trashed the false ceiling
Now Mr Blenders says he does not want monkeys in Engineering, he's told his boss , well who would.He does know of a frog in another Airline though, so who knows
Meanwhile Mrs Pimms is really busy at the natural , all day scrub down spa in Gurgaon
Two weeks of pure bliss , being scrubbed and massaged by two Kerala ladies, that joined with the poison yuck to take for a fortnight and all in the pursuit of the thinner body . Well India offers so much !
Meanwhile we still visit the cruel man in the gym as and when we can , honest this keep fit stuff works says Mr B , well that and no or very little beer along with the right Indian diet .
Here's the chart that just proves it , all the slips are the visits back to the UK but we will both reach our own targets. Mr B is pretty pleased with 18.5 to 14.6 in 15 months though, trim , fit and more than ready for the many years of our adventure in life.
Mr Cruel man in the gym (Krishna) always says afterwards, do we feel good to work out and we have to agree its good, told you India offers so much!!!
What else apart from Monkeys and being fit people?
Well you have the motor show over here at the moment and Tata's goal has been launched

A car for just over a lac, whats that you ask?
A lac is 100,000 rups
Yep , thats right , well after taxes ext will be around £1250, but you can buy a television for that , can't you, or a holiday?
India is coming up as this is the car for the common people , just like the Airline we work for, generating an economy for a global leader. Just watch us grow.
Yep the Nano has been launched out here , but we have to wait a while till its in the showrooms, and on the streets
Well , what do you think?
I think there could be a market elsewhere too, but it will cost you lots more.
Meanwhile Mr B has his eyes on an Indian driving licence and a Bullet!
The roads just got even more of a stressful time for the driver. Not Mr B or Mrs P as its always ok in the back seat.
Mr B thinks it should have bullbars all, round, BIG rubber ones like dogems cars as we know what its like in the delhi traffic
Well the signs say it all

Quote of the day
'Tis no sin to cheat the devil.
Daniel Defoe (1660-1731) |