Alternate quote of the day

3 Sept 2008


Bonjour from the vendee

Yep been back calling ourselves trailer trash for a few weeks

Well the weather wasn't much good in the UK and the wine is much cheaper over here and the views are always much better, bon

Mrs Pimms is getting into training for the next travel blog over in the Seychelles

Mr Blender will be glad to get back to work

Meanwhile what else is happening around the place

Well the trailer trash park is winding down for the winter now and the bar only has a few bits of entertainment before we go

Quiz, came 4th as forgot

1- Who guards the vatican?

2- 5th planet from the sun?

3- Who sung Joe le taxi?

4- and several others

Tonight its screaching karoke , so mr blender will rest

Saturday its BBQ in the afternoon , we are all doomed to be wrecked by 6pm , oops

This and the Moules and frites , they are never the same outside of france , why is this?
More meanwhiles and the subject of oxymorons , fantastic wordsmiths with the letter A
1-Agree to Disagree
2-Airline Food
3-Almost Done
4-Alone Together
5-Amicable Divorce
6-Anarchy Rules!
7-Anxious Patient
8-Approximately Equa
9-Artificial Intelligence
was told by an guy in India, Great Britain !
Mr and Mrs Blenders

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